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"French is like, I guess, our colonial language as Congolese people, and... When I was a kid, I mean, I didn't really think much of it because I didn't really understand colonization that much. But then, as I got older, I kind of started feeling... I guess kind of conflicted about it, like the fact that I knew French better than I know my parents' mother tongue.

So that was kind of... like a weird thing, but I also know that in Canada... I mean in Canada French is also a colonial language but it's also... There's like a whole history of French Canadians being oppressed by Anglophones, and getting deported, and all of that history.

So, on one hand, I kind of understand -- like, I grew up around French Canadians too, who were proud of their language and wanted to maintain it and whatnot. So, there is like... I guess those different dynamics going on. "

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