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ZEnglish, French
00:00 / 01:04


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In terms of French, I would say that it's very... Like, for me, personally, because it's the language that I grew up in, what a lot of people have told me is that like, "Oh, when you speak French, your voice is kind of like... like a melody or something like that," you know? Like, going up and down and all these different expressions, because my voice is a little flat when I'm speaking English, [laughs] very monotone.

For English, I don't know I just... It's the one of the most comfortable in as of right now so I don't really think of, like, the cadence and things like that, that much.

Lingala... It really depends, because it's like... I feel like it's one of those languages that you either speak it and you sound like you're singing, or you speak it and you sound like you're angry, [laughs] depending, you know? But like, it's very... I find it's like a poetic language, sort of.

And then Bemba... Anyone who's speaking in Bemba always sounds like they're just, like, you know... la vie est belle. Yeah, based on like -- that's just my opinion from having been in both Congo and Zambia, so yeah.

In My Tongue

An Interactive Documentary on Language

by Candide and Trish 

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