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Personally for us... So my mother is Anglophone, and my dad is Francophone. So, to my dad, it was very, very important that we -- like my siblings and I -- grew up with French as our first language, even though like, my mom was Anglophone. I'm not sure why that was. I never really asked him. Like, it never crossed my mind, but it's just something that's very distinctive that I remember from my childhood, is that I didn't know that my mom could speak fluent English because she never spoke it to us.

I think maybe it's just, like, it's more difficult to learn French, because we were put in French school as well and, you know, that's also the way that he grew up. He grew up with French first language, even though his parents were like, you know, from the Congo, immigrants. Yeah, so that's something I remember about like French specifically.

In My Tongue

An Interactive Documentary on Language

by Candide and Trish 

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