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ZEnglish, French
00:00 / 01:04


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When we were... When I was in grade six, I went to visit him [my dad] where he used to live, and il nous a faits comme un carnet avec, like, all the verbs in Lingala, and nouns, and pronouns, and stuff like that. And I would read it during recess and stuff like that. I'm like, "Oh yeah, like, j'ai eu un carnet, and like all the things in Lingala that I learned," because, and he...

When I had gone for March Break, he said, "Okay, we're not going to speak any French to you guys. We're only going to speak to you in Lingala so you can learn." And so, he really made the effort for my siblings in life to learn Lingala. But he... [smacks hands together] He was very like, "You need to learn," which I'm very grateful for because I learned, [laughs] you know?

In My Tongue

An Interactive Documentary on Language

by Candide and Trish 

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