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Oh my gosh, this is so bad! [laughs] I... I don't know if I have a favourite, specifically, like in the native tongues. There's this lyric from Koffi Olomide -- Oh my gosh! [laughs] My brother and I, we laugh about it all the time. What is it... "Lokuta eyaka na ascenseur, vérité eh yé n'escalier."
Translated means, "lies come through the escalator -- the elevator, the truth, takes the stairs," which means like, even though people are lying, the truth always comes out, basically. It's like in one of his songs, and me and my brother always, just... It cracks us up, honestly, it's so funny! [laughs]
I think it's in the song "Loi". Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's in his song "Loi"... Yeah, so sometimes, I'll randomly text him, and be like, "Lokuta eyaka na ascenseur." [laughs]