In My Tongue
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I would say no [not afraid of my languages dying], because I think a lot of the influence of, like, why we speak certain tongues, and not others, is obviously, like, colonialism and stuff, you know? French is not going anywhere. English is not going anywhere. The Congolese population is consistently expanding as we speak.
The only thing is like, okay, maybe people from Congo might not -- like people who are in the diaspora, people like me and you [Candide], and, you know, other kids may not have the ability to teach their kids whatever language, because if I think about it, like I'm gonna have to teach my kids how to speak both Lingala and Bemba, and whichever other languages, you know?
So, I think that's, in that sense, like, in terms of in the diaspora, it may or may not. It really depends, like, on an individual basis. But in the countries themselves, like in Zambia and in Congo? The tribes are so big, and, like, Lingala is vernacular, so most people speak it. So it won't go anywhere, I don't think so, no.