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ZEnglish, French
00:00 / 01:04


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Of course, we all know the anglicisme. You know, like, in school, in French school, they would always say, "Don't use English words and try to make them French. It doesn't work. It's not proper," and stuff like that. So, I would say that's one way that the English has influenced the French.

One way that the French has influenced the English is that sometimes, I'll be talking to people and I completely blank because I don't know what the English word is for something. [laughs] And I'm like, "Okay, just give me a second, I know what I'm trying to say, but it's not in the right language." So, it can definitely influence... In terms of influencing one another, it's more about influencing, like, your thought process, like your thought patterns and how you speak, yeah.

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