In My Tongue
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Because the funny thing is, like, when I went to the Congo, people were telling me that, "Oh, tu parles comme si, like, tu viens de l'Europe." I'm like, no, there's no way!
I feel like at this point, like, my French is a mix of... You know, like, français des congolais, français du Canada, and the way that my dad speaks compared to, like, other people from Congo who speak French? He has a very distinct accent because he grew up like, you know, in Canada as well, and so his French is kind of... I don't really know how to explain it, but you'd have to hear it. And so, I feel like I've also inherited his specific accent as well. Yes, so it's like...
Oh my gosh, and the funny thing is, like, si je pars, disons, comme au Québec, it'll take me so long just to understand what you're saying, [laughs] parce que je ne suis plus habituée. If I go somewhere like France or Belgium, I will not understand a word, because it's just so foreign to my ears.